New drabbles on Szortal

Yesterday Szortal had published my new drabbles in Polish, "Tryptyk Cisza-Szept-Krzyk" ("Triptych Silence-A Whisper-A Scream").


New drabbles in Polish and English

Last weekend has been good for flash fiction. Two of my drabbles "Jaki ojciec taki syn" ("Like father like son") and "Kołysanka" ("Lullaby") have been published in Polish e-zine's "Szortal Na Wynos" special autumn edition. You can download the issue in multiple formats (epub, mobi and pdf) from Szortal's website.…


New drabbles on Szortal

Once again Szortal has published my drabbles. Polish texts "Rytuał" ("The Ritual") and "Pogotowie" ("Emergency") are now available directly on the website, while "Powrót do domu" ("Homecoming") can be downloaded as a part of special Spring Edition of Szortal's magazine, "Szortal Na Wynos".

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New drabbles on Szortal

November edition of Polish "Szortal Na Wynos" is available now and it contains two of my drabbles. You can download the file in pdf, mobi or epub formats. My drabbles can be also read directly on Szortal's website: "Infolinia" ("Helpline") and "Zekyańska tradycja" ("Zekyan tradition").


Halloween Drabble Anthology

My drabble "They Just Love Halloween" is a part of newly released drabble anthology "Jack-o'-Lantern Tales of Treats and Tricks". The collection was made in a collaboration of Fiction Writers Group from Facebook and is available as an ebook. It can be downloaded for free in PDF format from the…