Snakebitten Release Day

Snakebitten, the final book in my urban fantasy series, Shadows of Eireland, releases today! You can find it at all major retailers in ebook and paperback, and you can also request it through library systems such as Libby (formerly Overdrive) or BorrowBox, and read it in subscription services—Everand and Kobo Plus. There’s also a Goodreads listing, so you can keep track of your TBR!

If you aren’t familiar with the series, learn more about it and read sample chapters of Humanborn, book 1. (more…)


Myth-Touched Release Day

Myth-Touched, the second book in my urban fantasy series, Shadows of Eireland, releases today! You can find it at all major retailers in ebook and paperback, and you can also request it through library systems such as Libby (formerly Overdrive) or BorrowBox, and read it in subscription services—Scribd and Kobo Plus. There’s also a Goodreads listing, so you can keep track of your TBR!

If you aren’t familiar with the series, learn more about it and read sample chapters. (more…)


Shadows of Eireland Series Update

Humanborn, book 1 of Shadows of Eireland, released this May. Since we’re already in the September part of 2023, I thought it was time to offer a peek into what’s going on with the series behind the scenes as I veered off my usual process. (more…)


Can Fantasy and Science Fiction Be “Beach Reads”?

Every year, when the northern hemisphere enters summer, countless articles and blog posts highlight books that are called “beach reads”. These lists are usually a mix of rom-coms, cozy mysteries, and other light reads, with a generous helping of new releases.

But what if someone doesn’t read in those genres? What if they want to take fantasy and science fiction on their vacation? (more…)


Kaja Isn’t Me: Writing a Character Who Shares the Author’s Background

When the main character in a story clearly reflects at least some of the author’s background, and on top of that, the book is written in the first person perspective, the question about the so-called “self-insert” seems inevitable. Did the author just write a better, more idealized version of herself? Is the main character a reflection of her imaginary self or a way to deal with some insecurities?

So how is it this time? How much of Joanna is in Kaja—or how much does Kaja resemble Joanna? (more…)


Humanborn Release Day

Humanborn, the first book in my new series, Shadows of Eireland, releases today! You can find it at all major retailers in ebook and paperback, and you can also request it through library systems such as Libby (formerly Overdrive) or BorrowBox, and read it in subscription services—Scribd and Kobo Plus. There’s also a Goodreads listing, so you can keep track of your TBR!

If you aren’t familiar with the series, learn more about it and read sample chapters.



Will Kamira and Veelk Return?

When I announced Demon Siege, the fourth book in the Pacts Arcane and Otherwise series, I called it the final one. It certainly wraps up the story arc that revolved around the demon imprisoned under the desert, leaving no major plots unresolved, so it will provide the satisfying read of a completed series. At the same time, with the world of Kinyal complex and vast, there could many more stories told, those involving Kamira and Veelk as well as other characters and other places.



Shadows of Eireland: New Series Coming in 2023

Recently, I announced the final book in my epic fantasy series, Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, so it’s time to share my new and upcoming series, and I couldn’t be more excited about it! This time, I’ll take you to Dublin, Ireland, changed by a magical war in a contemporary fantasy series, Shadows of Eireland. Book 1, Humanborn, is coming in May 2023. Keep reading for the cover and blurb. (more…)