SciFiMonth: My Favorite Science Fiction Books

This post is a part of SciFiMonth by Lisa from Dear Geek Place and Imyril from One More, celebrating all things science fiction. Join us on Twitter at #SciFiMonth and check out all the posts!

My transition from adventure and action books to speculative fiction happened through fantasy. To the teenage girl I was back then, magic had more appeal than technology-heavy books. Even though I enjoyed science fiction movies, some recommended books discouraged me from diving into the genre (back then, in Poland, prevailed socially involved hard scifi, and the teenage me didn’t find them appealing). It wasn’t until a few years later, when my library was running out of fantasy books I wanted to read, I started picking up science fiction books. I discovered that science fiction could be fun too, and my imagination as well as the understanding of possible future technologies broadened, so I wasn’t bogged down by technical details anymore.

I still tend to read more fantasy than science fiction, but if you ask me about my favorite speculative books… the science fiction ones always first come to mind. (more…)


A to Z Challenge: R is for “Red Mars”

RWith today’s post in A to Z Challenge we’re going into space with Kim Stanley Robinson.

I found “Red Mars” (the first book in Mars Trilogy) in a library, a massive book promising a lot of words to read, and since I had a science-fiction phase, I grabbed it without thinking too much. Besides, who wouldn’t like a good story of the first colonists on Mars? I knew I would. And I did, but I got much more than I expected. (more…)