Myth-Touched Release Day

Myth-Touched, the second book in my urban fantasy series, Shadows of Eireland, releases today! You can find it at all major retailers in ebook and paperback, and you can also request it through library systems such as Libby (formerly Overdrive) or BorrowBox, and read it in subscription services—Scribd and Kobo Plus. There’s also a Goodreads listing, so you can keep track of your TBR!

If you aren’t familiar with the series, learn more about it and read sample chapters. (more…)


My Favorite Reads of 2022

For several years now, I felt like I was in a reading slump. I didn’t finish books, and I didn’t follow up on any series, even those where I enjoyed the first book enough. I missed my days of compulsive reading and series-binging, but nothing changed… until 2022 came. (more…)


Will Kamira and Veelk Return?

When I announced Demon Siege, the fourth book in the Pacts Arcane and Otherwise series, I called it the final one. It certainly wraps up the story arc that revolved around the demon imprisoned under the desert, leaving no major plots unresolved, so it will provide the satisfying read of a completed series. At the same time, with the world of Kinyal complex and vast, there could many more stories told, those involving Kamira and Veelk as well as other characters and other places.



Shadows of Eireland: New Series Coming in 2023

Recently, I announced the final book in my epic fantasy series, Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, so it’s time to share my new and upcoming series, and I couldn’t be more excited about it! This time, I’ll take you to Dublin, Ireland, changed by a magical war in a contemporary fantasy series, Shadows of Eireland. Book 1, Humanborn, is coming in May 2023. Keep reading for the cover and blurb. (more…)


Novels Aren’t Coloring Books

Novels Aren't Coloring BooksSome time ago, I read a book series. I think I was already reading a third or fourth book in the series, when I some point I fell the pace slowing down and losing my attention. I checked what page I was at, and I immediately thought: “Oh, it’s page X. It means that there will be the big reveal or the main battle in about ten pages.” That gave me a stumbling pause, killing all my reading pleasure as I realized all the author’s books are exactly the same in their structure, and therefore very predictable regardless of the story that author is telling. In the end, reading the series became boring and lost most of its appeal. (more…)


13 Facts About My WIP

Back in December I took part in a fun Twitter game which required posting a graphic saying “1 Like = 1 WIP Fact”, and as you can guess, as the likes for the tweet appeared, its author was supposed to post facts about their work-in-progress. I had fun, and got 13 likes, a result I was quite happy with: it gave me enough space to shares some interesting bits of my fantasy novel “By the Pact”, but at the same time it didn’t require me to reveal any plot twists or character secrets.

And today, looking back at it, I thought it would be nice to consolidate all those facts into one post. Since I’m not limited by one tweet anymore, I also elaborated a bit on them. I hope you’ll enjoy. (more…)


All the Novels I Write

all-the-novels-i-writeEven though I usually end up focused on one project at the time, it’s never the only one that is brewing in my head. I’ve mentioned before I usually have several projects going, in different stages of (de)composition, as this is my way of escaping the dreaded writer’s block. If one project feels tiresome or boring at the time, I can always jump into another one and get my writing momentum back. (more…)


6 Things That Helped Me Finish My Novel

1I’ve finished novels before, but usually it took over a year to get to the end, so when I finished my fantasy novel “By His Will“, in six months going from “nothing” to “135 000 words”, I looked back wondering what made me accomplish it. I knew partially it came from taking part in 365k Club, which somewhat forced me to produce words daily, but this challange is not NaNoWriMo: it doesn’t force writers to work on one novel, and I took advantage of that rule, writing short stories and blog posts along working on “By His Will”.

So what really helped me to finish the first draft relatively quickly, while I still held a full-time job and haven’t neglected life? (more…)