Can Fantasy and Science Fiction Be “Beach Reads”?

Every year, when the northern hemisphere enters summer, countless articles and blog posts highlight books that are called “beach reads”. These lists are usually a mix of rom-coms, cozy mysteries, and other light reads, with a generous helping of new releases.

But what if someone doesn’t read in those genres? What if they want to take fantasy and science fiction on their vacation? (more…)


My Most Unique Reads of 2022

Last week, I shared my favorite reads of 2022, and most of them were positive and uplifting books, offering entertainment rather than diving deep into human condition (though it’s not to say that they all lacked depth!), but it wasn’t all I’ve read throughout the year. There were some books that I found interesting and noteworthy that for various reasons didn’t make it to my favorite list, and today, I’d like to put the spotlight on them. (more…)


My Favorite Reads of 2022

For several years now, I felt like I was in a reading slump. I didn’t finish books, and I didn’t follow up on any series, even those where I enjoyed the first book enough. I missed my days of compulsive reading and series-binging, but nothing changed… until 2022 came. (more…)


Demon Siege Release Day

It’s release day, and it’s double special to me as Demon Siege is the final book in the series: yes, after 2 years of publishing books, I completed Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, and they series can be now properly binged on. I’m delighted and excited (and a little bit anxious) to put “the Grand Finale” in the hands of readers.
You can find the final book at all major retailers, and there’s paperback available as well. (more…)


My First Experiences With Audiobooks

I’ve always thought audiobooks weren’t for me. As a visual learner, I often preferred reading a book on a subject than receiving a lecture on it, with the exception of the hands-on experiences, of course. Books always had my full and undivided attention, to the point where somebody could probably…


Back When Witches Were Humans – On Birthright in Fantasy

Nowadays it seems that every other urban fantasy book I pick up has witches in it, and the blurb goes along the lines of “she’s a witch, but she helps humans” or “she’s a witch, and now humans are after her”, or it has some other iteration of “witches vs. them” theme. And that, sadly, is usually the reason I don’t even continue checking out the rest of the blurb, let alone reading the actual book.

It’s because I miss the witches of old. Or rather, to be more precise, I miss how they used to be portrayed in stories. (more…)


Are Vampires Boring?

By a chance, I’ve learned that World Dracula Day, commemorating the publication date of Bram Stoker classic, falls on May 26, and it sparked some thoughts about vampires in fiction and pop culture. They’ve been around in books since late 19th century (if we take Dracula’s release date as a marker), and had accompanied us for thousands of years in oral storytelling, folklore, and various myths. After such a long time, are they a little bit stale? Are they… dare I say it, boring? Or, perhaps, like certain pieces of clothing, vampire never go out of style?


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Do You DNF Books?

When I was young, I used to read voraciously. Several books a week was my norm. I frequented my local library, and though I mostly scouted the science fiction and fantasy shelf, I would read almost anything. But every new book meant refining my literary tastes a bit more, and as I grew older, I had less time to read, so I became more and more picky. Yet, I still strove to finish every book I started. After all, I chose them.

The idea of not finishing a book never occurred to me.


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