All the Novels I Write

all-the-novels-i-writeEven though I usually end up focused on one project at the time, it’s never the only one that is brewing in my head. I’ve mentioned before I usually have several projects going, in different stages of (de)composition, as this is my way of escaping the dreaded writer’s block. If one project feels tiresome or boring at the time, I can always jump into another one and get my writing momentum back. (more…)


Short story available on the website and on Wattpad

NewsENAs you might have noticed, a new section is now available on my website. Read Online is a page listing short stories and other works you can read directly on my website.

The first text I’m publishing is “Miye’s In” – a fantasy story set in the secondary world, in which colonists struggle to survive on the new continent, fearing monsters’ attack, while one girl fall sick with a mysterious disease.

“Miye’s In” is also available on Wattpad, if you prefer to read on this platform. (more…)


My story in “Bierz mnie” anthology

A new ebook was released yesterday by RW2010 publishing house. “Bierz mnie” (“Take me”) is an anthology of speculative fiction stories with erotica as their theme, and my fantasy story “Sanne i drewno” (“Sanne and Wood”) is one of them. Publisher about the anthology: Books are not the only thing…


Cleaning Your Literary Wardrobe

1Every once a while I look into my wardrobe and think it’s time to sort it out. Not only put all the skirts together and put sweaters beside one another, but actually take out all the clothes, check if they still fit and try to remember when was the last time I actually wore them. I don’t like it as it requires parting with pieces I feel sentimal about, but never really wear or admitting that there’s no way I’m going to fit in that blouse again. And the jacket? I love it, but it really starts looking shabby… If you can’t relate, maybe you can imagine how unappealing this task can be.

But what I do love is cleaning my literary wardrobe: looking back at all the ideas I scribbled down years ago and inspecting the forever postponed works in progress. It’s not only a pleasant surprise of finding hidden gems I’ve forgotten, but also a decision whether anything is worth coming back to. Some texts are archived to be forgotten forever, but others get to be considered again, and kept for later. They will be perfect for these grim days every writer has sometimes when they feel out of fresh ideas. (more…)


My story in Polish anthology

A new ebook was released yesterday by RW2010 publishing house. "Do diabła z bogiem" ("To hell with god") is an anthology of speculative fiction stories with religion as their theme, and my "Wszyscy jesteśmy bogami" ("We all are gods") is one of them. Publisher about the anthology: To hell with…


My story in anthology by Fabryka Słów

27th of June was the release day of the anthology "I żywy stąd nie wyjdzie nikt" ("And nobody will get out of here alive") by Fabryka Słów Publishing House. It's a collection of of science-fiction and fantasy stories about war and I am very happy that my story "Słowa żołnierza"…


My story in a Polish anthology by Esensja magazine.

With pleasure I'd like to announce that my story, "Kot na sznurku" ("Cat on a string") was published today as a part of anthology prepared by Esensja magazine. The collection (named "Kot na sznurku" after my story) will be available as an ebook for all the supporters of the magazine…