Humanborn Release Day

Humanborn, the first book in my new series, Shadows of Eireland, releases today! You can find it at all major retailers in ebook and paperback, and you can also request it through library systems such as Libby (formerly Overdrive) or BorrowBox, and read it in subscription services—Scribd and Kobo Plus. There’s also a Goodreads listing, so you can keep track of your TBR!

If you aren’t familiar with the series, learn more about it and read sample chapters.



Back When Witches Were Humans – On Birthright in Fantasy

Nowadays it seems that every other urban fantasy book I pick up has witches in it, and the blurb goes along the lines of “she’s a witch, but she helps humans” or “she’s a witch, and now humans are after her”, or it has some other iteration of “witches vs. them” theme. And that, sadly, is usually the reason I don’t even continue checking out the rest of the blurb, let alone reading the actual book.

It’s because I miss the witches of old. Or rather, to be more precise, I miss how they used to be portrayed in stories. (more…)