Changes on

NewsENIf you’re visiting the Polish version of my website, you might have noticed there haven’t been any blog updates since the beginning of 2016, while the English version posts kept being published.

I’ve made a decision to cease the translation of the posts into Polish, as it often messed up my schedule and resulted in a rushed translation which I wasn’t fully satisfied with. And since most of my visitors chose the English version, maintaining the Polish version of the blog seemed a bit pointless.

The Polish version of the website will still have all my publishing/releases information available, in the new tab called “News” (also available in English for those who’d rather skip my personal rants), and the personal blog posts will be in English only, and on a separate subpage.

I’ve also changed the site’s theme, but since I’m not a web developer, for a while it will be a “work in progress”, so please bear with me. All feedback and suggestions are of course welcome.

I have few more things in mind for the website, hoping to make it better, but I still need to flesh few things out while I work on “A to Z Challenge” posts in April.

Joanna Maciejewska

Joanna Maciejewska is a fantasy and science fiction author who enjoys all things SFF: books, movies, and video games. Her short stories appeared in magazines and anthologies in Polish and in English. Her epic fantasy adventure series, starting with By the Pact, is available in ebook and paperback at all major retailers.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. portiabridget

    I like your new header and overall I think it is a good decision, especially that, as far as I know, you are going to write more in English anyway…

    1. melfka

      It was mostly the time/effort/result-based decision. Polish version of the website doesn’t get many hits and hardly any comments: and I know many of my friends are reading it in English anyway. I also hate to do a sloppy job, and with a rush to post regularly, my translations left a lot to be desired…
      But I’m glad you like the changes.

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