Another year goes by…

2014ENA couple of days I got an automatic post from Facebook inviting me to view my 2014 summary and – of course – share it with my friends. I looked out of curiosity and noticed that the snippets were based on the pictures I uploaded and the amounts of “likes” they got, so Facebook pretty much missed most of the important events in my life. I shrugged and created my own: a simple collage of seven anthologies published this year. Because, in the end, writing is one of the most important parts of my life and I always get very excited seeing my stories released.

Putting all the covers in one picture made me realize that 2014 has indeed been a good year and I should definitely be writing a lot if I want to have a similar achievement next year:

2014 in Writing

To my surprise, I also received 2014 summary for this website (thank you, WordPress!). It contains a bit of stats and interesting data, so I decided to share it with you, even though some of the information was already in my anniversary post. The summary clearly shows that I’m not a blogger with my irregular posting pattern and proves that weekends are most productive, since I published most of my texts on Mondays.

The most of my visitors comes from Poland, USA and UK (with Ireland being just right behind them), which proves making effort to keep this site bilingual pays off. But there were also visitors from other countries too, some of them as exotic as Chile, Ecuador, Morocco and Papua New Guinea.

The visitors made their way to the site mostly through Twitter and Facebook, which once again makes me consider making an author page there, but all in due time. This year, convinced by my acquiantance, I finally got my Goodreads page sorted, so Facebook can wait a bit longer. The most of Polish visitors come from “LatajΔ…ca Holera“, a huge forum for speculative fiction fans and from my old WordPress page that’s been inactive ever since I moved the site to

But all in all these statistics are best looked at when there is several consecutive years to compare and I can only hope that in 12 months I will be presenting to you impressive achievements and statistics. There are a few exciting things in line for 2015 and I hope I will be sharing good news with you throughout the year.

And as I’m not a person who makes New Year’s resolutions, I will just leave the wishes for 2015 here.


Because there’s no need for any other resolution when your days are productive and creative.

Joanna Maciejewska

Joanna Maciejewska is a fantasy and science fiction author who enjoys all things SFF: books, movies, and video games. Her short stories appeared in magazines and anthologies in Polish and in English. Her epic fantasy adventure series, starting with By the Pact, is available in ebook and paperback at all major retailers.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Myk Pilgrim

    It’s almost like it’s been written in an entirely different language πŸ˜‰
    Can’t quite explain why…’s like I can see the matrix.

    I know what you mean about resolutions, it seems like all they do is die a slow painful death and stink the surrounding air up with guilt.
    Creativity is certainly the way forward – all the best for 2015!

    1. melfka

      Yeah, why on Earth I’d write some other language if I can write in English? πŸ˜‰
      And as for resolutions: I always smile toward the end of the year, waiting for all these great comments “I did it! I accomplished all my resolutions! (or even just one)” and… they never come. But the same people, New Year come, proudly announce their new resolutions… And sweep them under the carpet less than a month later. πŸ™‚

      All the best for you too, hope that 2015 will treat you well!

  2. Suzie Jay

    I can’t believe you wrote all those books this year. That is a massive achievement. Congratulations. You should definitely make an author page on Facebook πŸ™‚

    1. melfka

      Well, most of them are anthologies (of various authors, to be precise – my bad, in Polish “anthology” means many authors, and “story collection” – one author), so it’s 5-10k words (100 words drabble in two cases!) versus 100k words of full-fledged novels. But hey, all the covers look impressive together! πŸ˜‰
      And I will definitely get around to making the FB page, but I want to make sure I’m ready for it time and content-wise. To make it and then repost all the pictures already available on the internet feel like a wasted effort.

  3. anachronist

    Happy New Year and a way to go with your books! I read one of your drabbles btw!

    1. melfka

      Thank you and Happy New Year to you too! πŸ™‚
      Hoping to have something longer out there one day.

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