New drabbles on Szortal

November edition of Polish "Szortal Na Wynos" is available now and it contains two of my drabbles. You can download the file in pdf, mobi or epub formats. My drabbles can be also read directly on Szortal's website: "Infolinia" ("Helpline") and "Zekyańska tradycja" ("Zekyan tradition").


Halloween Drabble Anthology

My drabble "They Just Love Halloween" is a part of newly released drabble anthology "Jack-o'-Lantern Tales of Treats and Tricks". The collection was made in a collaboration of Fiction Writers Group from Facebook and is available as an ebook. It can be downloaded for free in PDF format from the…


One Year at

Exactly a year ago I posted my first news on this webpage. After some weeks of sorting out the domain name and the external server I was able to move my Polish website at WordPress to a new place: bilingual This would not happen without some help from two great ladies, Anna Suseł who provided technical support whenever my meager knowledge of css was tried and Maja Sarnowska who designed the layout of this page.

Since the anniversary caught me unprepared with the usual “Oh dear, already?”, I don’t have a fancy post or a book giveaway (I don’t have a book yet to give it away), but I thought I’d share a small infographic on the page’s statistics. They might not be something to be boasting about, but they show that you are there and come visit every once a while. And for that I’d like to thank you all so much!

And if you’re in the playful mood, try to guess how many words I’ve written on the page, how many posts there were and which is the most popular text up to date, before you look at the infographic below. (more…)


My story in anthology by Fabryka Słów

27th of June was the release day of the anthology "I żywy stąd nie wyjdzie nikt" ("And nobody will get out of here alive") by Fabryka Słów Publishing House. It's a collection of of science-fiction and fantasy stories about war and I am very happy that my story "Słowa żołnierza"…


My story in a Polish anthology by Esensja magazine.

With pleasure I'd like to announce that my story, "Kot na sznurku" ("Cat on a string") was published today as a part of anthology prepared by Esensja magazine. The collection (named "Kot na sznurku" after my story) will be available as an ebook for all the supporters of the magazine…


My story in a Polish anthology

Polish publishing house Fabryka Słów presented cover design for an upcoming anthology "I żywy stąd nie wyjdzie nikt" ("And nobody will get out of here alive") which will be featuring my story. The release of paperback is planned for 21st of February 2014. More information on the anthology is available…