A Month in a Writer’s Life – November 2018

Oh what a month it was! When I was making plans for November, I’d never thought that cutting down on my activities would mean I’d get even busier! Shortly after it started, my freelance work took over, pushing everything else to the side, and making me chase various deadlines and last minute requests. As you can guess, it wrecked havoc among my perfect schedules. But, nevertheless, it turned out to be a splendid month. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – October 2018

As the year comes close to an end, I feel like I’m finally regaining my footing. I never expected that the move across the States that happened back in March would affect me so much and for so long, but it also came with a few other changes in my life, including starting to work more intensively as a freelancer. So the process of “getting back to the routine” was constantly disrupted, and whenever I felt like I was just getting there, something else came up. I’m still behind a few things, and I have little hope to catch up, but I’m doing my best moving forward. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – May 2018

Another month sped by me. If there was a time police, it would have gotten a ticket for reckless driving for sure. In comparison to the super-crazy March and April, May was the time of slowly settling down and checking whether my routine survived the turmoils of the “grand move”. Yet, after two months of struggling to keep going in a somewhat organize manner, I wasn’t about to exhaust myself even more and chose a slower pace instead. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – April 2018

A month in a writer’s life seems like a significant amount of time. Yet, when I blinked on the first of April, the month was suddenly coming to an end already. Even though we unpacked and settled in fairly quickly after our move across the continent, April was far from being back to the routine. I wasn’t overly busy, but the mind space needed to sort out all the bureaucratic problems that arose over time consumed a lot of my focus. It’s enough to say that swapping our driving licenses, a task that should have taken us one visit to DMV, took a month, multiple visits, and was only resolved because of… Twitter. Other issues might not have been that time consuming, but they did contribute to my general lack of progress this month. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – January 2018

January meant entering the fourth year of the writing challenge, and I even though I have my routine sorted already, I couldn’t resist joining again. 365 Writing Club does miracles when it comes to accountability. This year’s theme is “The Daily Writer”, focusing back on building the habit to write every day, and even though last year I missed only 4 days, I decided I could do better. Did I manage? (more…)