2020 in a Rearview Mirror

Oh what a year it’s been, don’t you agree?

On one hand, I had some of my plans derailed, and things had not gone the way I thought they would. On the other, I was one of the lucky few who hadn’t been much affected by the unexpected situation that changed the way we live our lives. Yet, even for me, it was not a year of major achievements or hitting important milestones. Rather, it was a year of trying to move forward and succeed despite the odds. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – September, October, November 2019

It’s been a while since I updated this blog. It’s been mostly due to my freelance workload and the determination to finish my writing project, but I also realized that the monthly update on my life has become slightly repetitive: focused on my writing, I do very little outside of it that would justify monthly reports. Therefore, I bulked the last three months together in a larger post. Next year, I might switch to quarterly updates or find another formula. Until then, here’s what has been going on in my life while I was quiet. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – July 2019

Another month went by, and it’s been quite different from what I thought it would be. Since in summer time businesses slow down, I expected some downtime in my freelancing business. It meant that I would have time to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo to which I promptly signed up at the end of June. Of course, life decided to prove me wrong, and July turned out to be a whirlwind. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – May & June 2019

It’s been a while since I posted regularly. After nearly finishing the A to Z Challenge, I needed time to recuperate from intensive blogging, and I had to catch up with my writing. On top of that, the last two months were quite intensive work-wise, demanding my attention and time. So, with heavy heart, I decided to “disappear” for a while, including less presence on social media for the much-needed catching up with my priorities. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – March 2019

This month’s report is a little bit earlier as April will be full of A to Z challenge posts (I’ll be talking about the setting of my fantasy world – come back to check them out). If February was an earthquake when it comes to my plans, March could be called aftershocks. Even though work-wise it was a quieter month, I was in a constant catch-up mode, trying to meet my self-imposed deadlines. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – February 2019

February flew by, as it could be expected from the shortest month in the year, and it was filled with planned and unplanned things, and it left me stumbling into March like an exhausted witch who has no idea what she should do next and what to catch up with. At the same time, it did feel like I was slowly gaining my momentum, not only putting routines in place, but also adjusting them to accommodate for my irregular and at times routine-disrupting freelance work. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – January 2019

As you might recall, I took December somewhat off to get my “game plan” ready for 2019. So, when January came, I was ready and motivated. Of course, as Red Hot Chili Peppers sang in an unrelated (and slightly explicit) song, nothing ever goes according to plan. Distraction hit me from the least expected direction, causing a lot of heartache. It’s enough to say that someone whom I considered a friend disappointed my trust in the worst possible way, and the ripples from that single event caused waves throughout my month. Yet, that unpleasant situation aside, I think it’s possible to announce my January as a moderate success. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – December 2018

December has been a bit of a blur, but come to think of it, the whole year seemed like that. Due to our move across the states, we’d lost pretty much the first four months of it, packing, organizing, settling in, and working out problems that arose along the way. In the end, it left with me with a feeling of constantly trying to catch up with everything and never being on top of my game. Yet, looking back, I can’t say it was a bad year. (more…)