Are Vampires Boring?

By a chance, I’ve learned that World Dracula Day, commemorating the publication date of Bram Stoker classic, falls on May 26, and it sparked some thoughts about vampires in fiction and pop culture. They’ve been around in books since late 19th century (if we take Dracula’s release date as a marker), and had accompanied us for thousands of years in oral storytelling, folklore, and various myths. After such a long time, are they a little bit stale? Are they… dare I say it, boring? Or, perhaps, like certain pieces of clothing, vampire never go out of style?


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4 Horror Movies I’d Watch Again

Let’s make something clear: I’m not a horror fan. I don’t get grossed out by flying intestines, but watching gore most often than not bores me. At the same time, the atmospheric, fear-instilling scenes tend to annoy me. After all, there are only two options: either something will jump out or not. And since those scenes consist only from slow exploring or long shots and silence with nothing else to carry them through, I tend to catch myself muttering, “Get to the point already!” I don’t mind a slower pace in a movie narration, but whenever it feels like a drag, my mood is lost. (more…)


Melfka’s Brithday Week: Those Horror Things

Welcome to my Birthday Week during which I post random, interesting or embarrassing facts about myself. If you missed the introductory post, you can find it here. Today you’ll venture into the dangerous territory of Melfka’s personal horrors. Of course, since it’s my Birthday Week, I won’t be talking about those real and well-grounded fears probably almost every human being has. Instead, I’ll amuse you with those absurd things that shouldn’t cause a flinch reaction.
