Summer of Interviews

Summer is ending today, and it’s been a busy one for me! By the Pact, the first novel in epic fantasy adventure series, Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, is a part of the seventh edition of Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off, and September is a Self-Published Fantasy Month, so there’s a lot going on! (more…)


Interview on JD Estrada’s website

I have been interviewed by wonderful JD Estrada, so if you'd like to know a few random bits about my art, writing, and how to pronounce my name, or you simply would like to read something with your morning coffee, head over to his blog!  


Interviewed by Friday Phrases

You might remember my last year's post about great initiative on Twitter called "Friday Phrases" I've been taking part ever since. And now it's been my pleasure to have been interviewed by Lara Meone Savine, the host of the website and the event. The interview is available on You…