SciFiMonth: Polish Science Fiction I’d Love to See Translated

This post is a part of SciFiMonth by Lisa from Dear Geek Place and Imyril from One More, celebrating all things science fiction. Join us on Twitter at #SciFiMonth and check out all the posts!

A great part of what makes being science fiction fan so great is the ability to share the passion with other fans. Discussing your favorite book, newly discovered show or even joining a co-op fight against alien creatures in a game often enhances the experiences. But when you also read in a language other than English, you suddenly discover that nobody has read that exceptional book and you can’t share your excitement with anyone in the English-speaking world. With so many wonderful books around the world, there are never enough translations, and it’s hard to be aware what available outside of the anglophone world.

So today I’m sharing my list of Polish science fiction I would really love to see translated in English. (more…)


To Conquer the Sea: The Origin of a Story

In the Origin of the Story series I’ll be sharing insights of how some of my stories came to be. What inspired them, and what kind of process followed it. All of that spoiler-free, so you can still enjoy the story if you didn’t have a chance to read it yet.

Today I share the process behind my post-apocalyptic short story, To Conquer the Sea. As you will see, it traveled quite a lot publication-wise, but it’s now available on my website. (more…)


New drabbles on Szortal

Yesterday Szortal had published my new drabbles in Polish, "Tryptyk Cisza-Szept-Krzyk" ("Triptych Silence-A Whisper-A Scream").


A to Z Challenge: J is for “Jeszcze jeden bohater” (“One More Hero”)

JFor today’s A to Z Challenge I have another title in Polish language, a short story by Robert M. Wegner. Please bear with me, tomorrow I’ll be back to more English-friendly reads.

Robert M. Wegner is one of the rising stars of Polish speculative fiction and is most well-known for his epic fantasy (often compared to Erikson’s series), but he doesn’t shy away from science-fiction, like the short story I’ll be writing about: “Jeszcze jeden bohater” (”One more hero”) published in the anthology “Herosi” (“Heroes”). (more…)


My story in “Bierz mnie” anthology

A new ebook was released yesterday by RW2010 publishing house. “Bierz mnie” (“Take me”) is an anthology of speculative fiction stories with erotica as their theme, and my fantasy story “Sanne i drewno” (“Sanne and Wood”) is one of them. Publisher about the anthology: Books are not the only thing…


New drabbles in Polish and English

Last weekend has been good for flash fiction. Two of my drabbles "Jaki ojciec taki syn" ("Like father like son") and "Kołysanka" ("Lullaby") have been published in Polish e-zine's "Szortal Na Wynos" special autumn edition. You can download the issue in multiple formats (epub, mobi and pdf) from Szortal's website.…


New drabbles on Szortal

Once again Szortal has published my drabbles. Polish texts "Rytuał" ("The Ritual") and "Pogotowie" ("Emergency") are now available directly on the website, while "Powrót do domu" ("Homecoming") can be downloaded as a part of special Spring Edition of Szortal's magazine, "Szortal Na Wynos".

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