Lessons Learned from Reading The Witcher Saga

Lessons Learned from ReadingSome of you might have heard about a successful video game series by CD Project called The Witcher, but probably not many know it all started with a short story sent to a contest organized by a Polish speculative fiction magazine. “The Witcher Saga” by Andrzej Sapkowski that grew out of this one story not only became a source of inspiration for the games, but is also a series on which a whole generation of Polish speculative fiction fans grew up, myself included. (more…)


7 Things Dancing Has Thaught Me About Writing

7 things dancing has taught me about writingLet’s get it out of the way: I’ll never be a professional, or even semi-professional dancer. I’m not even close to being one. I’m a clutz, trip over my own legs, and doing repetitious spins brings my stomach to its limits. And when I dance, I probably look like someone having a severe attack of jitters.

But I love dancing, and when it comes to physical activities, it’s one of my favorites (along with hiking and swimming). And, as surprising as it may be, dancing taught me a lot about writing and about myself. (more…)


Guest Post on Double Edged (S)words

This weekend I have a pleasure of being a guest on Double Edged S(words), Marcin Dolecki's website, with my A Good Reason to Write (in a Second Language) post. Hop over to check it, and check other posts by Marcin who is both a writer and a philosopher.


Music Inspirations – part 4

Music InspirationsIt’s been a while since I’ve shared my music inspirations with you (feel free to check previous posts). Not because I haven’t found new inspiring music, but because I have a habit of putting a song in a loop while I write, usually picking the one that fits my mood, not the scene I’m working on. It’s useful in a way, as I can recycle songs for many scenes and stories, but I don’t associate them with a particular scene or project anymore. Except for the few ones that you’ll find below. (more…)


A Month of Writing – February 2016

MoW-ENAs you might know, February was the month of a big move for me. Busy with wrapping up various official things, packing my belongings, and cleaning my apartment, I didn’t have time and energy to write much, and not only I didn’t manage to write every day, but also didn’t meet my goal of the average 1000 words a day. Have I failed this month’s 365k Club challenge?


I’d rather say February was quite a success for me. (more…)