Summer of Interviews

Summer is ending today, and it’s been a busy one for me! By the Pact, the first novel in epic fantasy adventure series, Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, is a part of the seventh edition of Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off, and September is a Self-Published Fantasy Month, so there’s a lot going on! (more…)


Scars of Stone: Cover Reveal and Release Date

I’m excited to announce that book 2 of Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, Scars of Stone is coming out on July 10th, 2021! If you enjoyed Kamira and Veelk’s adventures so far, you won’t be disappointed: more witty banter, powerful magic, corrupted mages and plotting demons! If you haven’t met the duo yet, there’s still time to catch up – get By the Pact now.

Keep reading for the cover, blurb, and stores links!
