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Scars of Stone: Cover Reveal and Release Date

I’m excited to announce that book 2 of Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, Scars of Stone is coming out on July 10th, 2021! If you enjoyed Kamira and Veelk’s adventures so far, you won’t be disappointed: more witty banter, powerful magic, corrupted mages and plotting demons! If you haven’t met the duo yet, there’s still time to catch up – get By the Pact now.

Keep reading for the cover, blurb, and stores links!

Discovering the truth about magic is one thing. Doing something about it will require bloodletting, backstabbing, and a bunch of lies. 

The battle with a demonic foe had opened Kamira’s and Veelk’s eyes: they were unprepared for their task. If they want a chance of freeing Veranesh from his crystal prison, they need the help of a brilliant inventor imprisoned by Gildya, a man also desired by the refugee queen, Cahala, who will stop at nothing to slate her thirst for magic. 

Time is also of the essence as Archmage Yoreus maneuvers for power. Once he claims the title of the first archmage for himself, he will tie up all loose ends, and that entails burying Kamira, Veelk, and a long line of secrets he’d prefer to be forgotten. 

Kamira and Veelk have a rule, “no heroics, survival first.”

When dealing with demons, avoiding heroics is easy. But survival? Not so much.


Preorders for Scars of Stone are starting to be available and more are to come. If you don’t see your favorite store yet, keep checking all the store links.

You can also add the book to your Goodreads.

Joanna Maciejewska

Joanna Maciejewska is a fantasy and science fiction author who enjoys all things SFF: books, movies, and video games. Her short stories appeared in magazines and anthologies in Polish and in English. Her epic fantasy adventure series, starting with By the Pact, is available in ebook and paperback at all major retailers.

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