Scourges, Spells, and Serenades is now on Goodreads

My free fantasy stories collection, Scourges, Spells, and Serenades is now on Goodreads, which means you can add it to your shelves, and it will count toward your reading challenge if you’re taking part in it. And if you haven’t gotten the collection yet, you can receive the ebook by singing up to my monthly newsletter (you can unsubscribe any time!).

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Mr. Roache’s Drummer: the Origin of a Story

In the Origin of the Story series I’ll be sharing insights of how some of my stories came to be. What inspired them, and what kind of process followed it. All of that spoiler-free, so you can still enjoy the story if you didn’t have a chance to read it yet.

Today, I’m going to share a story of the piece that I’m particularly happy with, the quasi-steampunk (or magical realism, if you prefer) short story, Mr. Roache’s Drummer (Polish: Bębniarz pana Roache). It was first published, long with its counterpart story, Seven Percent Chance (Siedem procent szans) in a Polish anthology by RW2010. Its English version is available as a part of my collection, Scourges, Spells, and Serenades, and you can get it for free. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – May & June 2019

It’s been a while since I posted regularly. After nearly finishing the A to Z Challenge, I needed time to recuperate from intensive blogging, and I had to catch up with my writing. On top of that, the last two months were quite intensive work-wise, demanding my attention and time. So, with heavy heart, I decided to “disappear” for a while, including less presence on social media for the much-needed catching up with my priorities. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – March 2019

This month’s report is a little bit earlier as April will be full of A to Z challenge posts (I’ll be talking about the setting of my fantasy world – come back to check them out). If February was an earthquake when it comes to my plans, March could be called aftershocks. Even though work-wise it was a quieter month, I was in a constant catch-up mode, trying to meet my self-imposed deadlines. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – December 2018

December has been a bit of a blur, but come to think of it, the whole year seemed like that. Due to our move across the states, we’d lost pretty much the first four months of it, packing, organizing, settling in, and working out problems that arose along the way. In the end, it left with me with a feeling of constantly trying to catch up with everything and never being on top of my game. Yet, looking back, I can’t say it was a bad year. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – October 2018

As the year comes close to an end, I feel like I’m finally regaining my footing. I never expected that the move across the States that happened back in March would affect me so much and for so long, but it also came with a few other changes in my life, including starting to work more intensively as a freelancer. So the process of “getting back to the routine” was constantly disrupted, and whenever I felt like I was just getting there, something else came up. I’m still behind a few things, and I have little hope to catch up, but I’m doing my best moving forward. (more…)