Music Inspirations – part 5

Music InspirationsIt’s been quite a while since I’ve last posted my music inspirations, even though my Spotify writing playlist now boasts an awesome 15 hours worth of music. Mostly, because I rarely search for songs that would reflect specific scenes. Instead, I either listen to my playlist in a shuffle mode or pick a song that keeps me focused and motivated.
Still, some songs come up and seem to be fitting perfectly to scenes or plots I’m writing and I tend to put those songs in a loop until I’m done, and these four songs stuck with me. (more…)


All My Halloweens

halloweenI was born in a country where Halloween tradition doesn’t exist, so I missed all the candy-collecting fun as a child, but the holiday itself had always seemed mesmerizing to me, especially in its darker and spookier way. The lanterns in the dark, the ghosts wandering between this world and another… What’s there for a speculative writer to not like? (more…)



nanodoubtsThe other day we’ve met our neighbor heading out with his dog and his camera. “It’s this time of the year,” he said with a smile. I also watch the growing display of Halloween decorations in stores (many more than what I was used to in Ireland) and the biggest pumpkins I’ve ever seen (which in a way proves the cliche saying that “everything is bigger in America”). Because, yeah, it’s this time of the year too.

And then, of course, almost every writer out there will recognize it’s this time of the year. Frantic plotting, digging out prehistoric projects for inspiration, desperately stocking on notebooks, caffeine-products, and snacks. As NaNoWriMo approaches, the writers’ universe on the Internet polarizes: from all decked-up to panic-stricken, authors share their preparation progress, exchange their NaNoWriMo usernames, and join the fantastic community that grows bigger and bigger each year. (more…)


Writer’s Other Hobbies: Drawing

Writer's Other HobbiesOne would think that writing keeps me so occupied, I don’t have time for any other hobby, and in a way it does, though at this point I consider my writing more of a job than a hobby. I try to do it daily, and I still do it for fun, but also with quality in mind, and I write with a mindset of one day getting my work out there.

Therefore, since writing is a job, I should have some hobbies, right? I’ve already mentioned polymer clay, but it’s not the only creative thing I do. (more…)


Of Flying and Writing

of-flying-and-writingWhen over eight years ago I boarded the plane for the first time ever, I couldn’t help wondering whether I’d like flying. I still remember the first step I made on the steps leading up and the moment my other foot left the ground… My last step on the Polish ground for who knew how long: I was just about to immigrate to Ireland—excited, anticipating, maybe a bit worried—but I still couldn’t resist thinking of flying. After all, it’s the dreamer’s ultimate dream, isn’t it? (more…)


You’re Not Alone on Your Writing Journey

Not AloneThey say that writing is a lonely business, and in a way it’s true: when you sit down to write, the whole world ceases to exist as you traverse to another one, to the one in your head. Someone might be sitting beside you, figuratively holding your hand, but you’re still somewhat on your own with the text you’re writing.

But as a writer, you are not alone unless you want to be. (more…)


Writer’s Other Hobbies: Polymer Clay

Writer's Other HobbiesI consider myself a writer, but there are days when words in my head resemble a pack of pigeons fighting over a piece of bread, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t focus and the stories are not flowing. I might try to work through the chaos of thoughts, drink tea, and put on my favorite writing music, but if it’s not helping, I turn to other ways to be productive or to channel my creativity.

With this post I’m starting a series on other creative things I do. So, if you’re curious what does a writer do when she’s not writing, today you can get a peek at my polymer clay creations. (more…)


Music Inspirations – part 4

Music InspirationsIt’s been a while since I’ve shared my music inspirations with you (feel free to check previous posts). Not because I haven’t found new inspiring music, but because I have a habit of putting a song in a loop while I write, usually picking the one that fits my mood, not the scene I’m working on. It’s useful in a way, as I can recycle songs for many scenes and stories, but I don’t associate them with a particular scene or project anymore. Except for the few ones that you’ll find below. (more…)


Of The Endings

8 yearsin IrelandFor the last several weeks I’ve been quite literally sorting out my life. My one bedroom apartment, full of things I needed, loved, or forgot I have, became a game of choice. Items went into boxes, trash bags, or into hands of my friends. I sorted them as necessities that would stay with me till the very end, and as things that could be shipped early, to await for my arrival in the new place. I found old notes for stories and rediscovered some of the earrings I haven’t worn for a while. I made decisions of what I need, and what can be bought again if necessary. And my brain constantly re-listed the things I still needed to do before leaving Ireland “forever”.

For the last several weeks I swung in a triangle of stress, excitement, and nostalgia. (more…)


When Things Pile Up

When Things Pile UpIt think happens to most of us. We make ambitious plans, we jump on a chance that came unexpected or we simply feel we should be doing more in our lives. Tasks pile upon tasks, obligations we took upon ourselves take our breathing space, and we suddenly stop, overwhelmed by it all, unable to find a way through the chaos we brought upon ourselves. (more…)