My Most Unique Reads of 2022

Last week, I shared my favorite reads of 2022, and most of them were positive and uplifting books, offering entertainment rather than diving deep into human condition (though it’s not to say that they all lacked depth!), but it wasn’t all I’ve read throughout the year. There were some books that I found interesting and noteworthy that for various reasons didn’t make it to my favorite list, and today, I’d like to put the spotlight on them. (more…)


My Favorite Reads of 2022

For several years now, I felt like I was in a reading slump. I didn’t finish books, and I didn’t follow up on any series, even those where I enjoyed the first book enough. I missed my days of compulsive reading and series-binging, but nothing changed… until 2022 came. (more…)


Demon Siege Release Day

It’s release day, and it’s double special to me as Demon Siege is the final book in the series: yes, after 2 years of publishing books, I completed Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, and they series can be now properly binged on. I’m delighted and excited (and a little bit anxious) to put “the Grand Finale” in the hands of readers.
You can find the final book at all major retailers, and there’s paperback available as well. (more…)


Will Kamira and Veelk Return?

When I announced Demon Siege, the fourth book in the Pacts Arcane and Otherwise series, I called it the final one. It certainly wraps up the story arc that revolved around the demon imprisoned under the desert, leaving no major plots unresolved, so it will provide the satisfying read of a completed series. At the same time, with the world of Kinyal complex and vast, there could many more stories told, those involving Kamira and Veelk as well as other characters and other places.



Shadows of Eireland: New Series Coming in 2023

Recently, I announced the final book in my epic fantasy series, Pacts Arcane and Otherwise, so it’s time to share my new and upcoming series, and I couldn’t be more excited about it! This time, I’ll take you to Dublin, Ireland, changed by a magical war in a contemporary fantasy series, Shadows of Eireland. Book 1, Humanborn, is coming in May 2023. Keep reading for the cover and blurb. (more…)


An Orc and a Dark Mage Walk Into a Dungeon – From an Idea to a Full Novel

With Shadows Over Kaighal, the third book in my epic fantasy adventure out, I thought it would be interesting to share the process of how the story and the setting came to be. I tried to keep it as spoiler-free as possible, but it does explain aspects of the world, so if you haven’t read By the Pact yet, and you’d like to dive into book 1 knowing as little as possible, you might save this text for later. But if you’re already a fan of the series, you don’t mind knowing more about the setting before you start, and if you’re curious on how my novel came to be and what an orc and a dark mage have to do with a book that has neither, keep reading! (more…)


By the Pact – 0.99 Sale

To celebrate the release of Shadows over Kaighal, the third book in my Pacts Arcane and Otherwise series, I decided to put the first book on sale across all platforms and locations. If you were wondering whether By the Pact is for you, this is a great time to find…


Speculative K-Dramas for Valentine’s Day

I have a confession to make. I have a soft spot for Korean love dramas. Most times, they feel fresh in their innocence and honesty in contrast of the Western dramas that often rely on the main characters lying to each other to create tension, but of course, as a dedicated fan of everything speculative, I prefer my love dramas with a pinch of fantasy or science fiction, so here are three shows to check if you’re looking for something romantic and speculative at the same time that will last you long past February 14th. (more…)


Back When Witches Were Humans – On Birthright in Fantasy

Nowadays it seems that every other urban fantasy book I pick up has witches in it, and the blurb goes along the lines of “she’s a witch, but she helps humans” or “she’s a witch, and now humans are after her”, or it has some other iteration of “witches vs. them” theme. And that, sadly, is usually the reason I don’t even continue checking out the rest of the blurb, let alone reading the actual book.

It’s because I miss the witches of old. Or rather, to be more precise, I miss how they used to be portrayed in stories. (more…)