Where do those days and months go? It feels like I was just writing the October post, and now it’s time to post it again. When it comes to creativity, November turned out an interesting month. I had to shift some of my priorities, and I ended up more busy than usually.
The beginning of the month saw a huge boost in my word count, as I took part in the Run/Walk/Write 5k challenge. This bi-annual event by 10 Minute Novelists is quite a tough one: to run (or walk) 5km and write 5k words within chosen 24 hours.
Last time I took part, I started late in the afternoon, so technically I had my writing split between two days, while this year I wanted to get everything done on Friday. Of course, with so much writing ahead, I hit a writer’s block. The very moment I sat down to write, I felt my creativity has drained. It took me hours to finally get going, but in the end I managed to write 5060 words which, I believe, is the most I’ve ever written in a single day. Not that I want to repeat such a feat any time soon.
This also meant one third of my monthly goal, so I could focus on revisions and editing. I finally put together and processed all the feedback from my beta readers, and I figured out how I want to proceed with Humanborn. Setting myself an unforgiving pace meant that I managed to finish the revision within a month.
I also reached my yearly goal for 365 Writing Club – woohoo! This year it’s been only a half of my previous years’ goals as I wanted to focus on editing, but it’s still an achievement. It also proves that I can successfully juggle writing and editing.
Other creativity
Focused on my revisions, I didn’t have much time for art, but I still managed to finish one piece. Weird and Wonderful was one of those designs I simply had to make. I also wanted to try new Photoshop techniques with it. It was a very nice learning experience, and as usual, I added the art to the Society6, Redbubble, and Zazzle shops.
Writer’s Life
We didn’t really celebrate Thanksgiving this year. We’re thankful for what we have and achieved every day, and we also don’t have family around, so we took it easy. We ate some tacos, because a whole turkey for two people was way too much last year. In the evening, we sneaked out to the art store, because they had a massive sale. Needless to say, I’m stocked up with art supplies for the next year or so.
The week following Thanksgiving was Inq’s week off, so we enjoyed staying up late, sleeping in even later, and playing video games.
That week I also had my first ever root canal, and it was an interesting experience. After having been poked 8 times with the needles (the numbing didn’t want to work), I’m still firmly in the camp “don’t numb me unless it’s really necessary”. I still won’t get numbing for my cleaning and fillings. But other than that, the procedure was swift – only 25 minutes. Then it took 1.5 hour to rebuild the tooth, design the crown, and fit it. For the rest of the week I was on an antibiotic, but my gums healed nicely, and I didn’t need painkillers.

I picked up a new book, and after giving it “one more chance” chapter after chapter, I marked it as “did-not-finish”. Instead, I read some great short fiction online, from such magazines as Uncanny and Lightspeed.
What about you? How did your November go?
I think I’m going to need to write a weekly journal or something. I can’t remember what happened this month. Other than the most recent things.
I know for sure I didn’t get as much done as you did. Nice work!
I know what you mean about not remembering. I struggle with that too, even though I have a bullet journal to keep track of things.
Yeah, it’s remembering to keep up to date with the journal XD
Wow! Huge congratulations on hitting your writing target AND being able to juggle editing alongside. I simply can’t do it. I’d love to be able to run both alongside each other, but I am such a monotasker I can only immerse myself in each project as it comes up… I love your Weird and Wonderful artwork – pretty and eye-catching. You are SO talented! I hope December continues to be a good month for you, Joanna:))
Being monotasker has its advantages too, Sara: you probably get much less distracted (and less easily) than I do.
And thank you for your kind words. I like creating art and I’m trying to improve my skills.
I hope December is good for you as well. 🙂
Thank you, Joanna. I am also aware that being a monotasker is a big disadvantage, too. I simply cannot split my attention successfully across two projects! I hope you have a wonderful December:)
A root canal… *shudders* I’ve had all four wisdom teeth pulled, but not a root canal, but the thought of it makes me a little squeamish. But I’m glad to hear you’ve recovered from it well – and good job with the writing and editing as well! Like Sarah, I don’t know how you manage to juggle writing and editing, as I only have time to do one or the other. So you get a thumbs-up from me for that.