Interview on JD Estrada’s website

I have been interviewed by wonderful JD Estrada, so if you'd like to know a few random bits about my art, writing, and how to pronounce my name, or you simply would like to read something with your morning coffee, head over to his blog!  


Why I Don’t Write About Self-Isolation

This post a bit more personal than my usual offerings, so if you’re here for fantasy and science fiction, feel free to skip it.

Every few weeks, my acquaintance messages me to ask, “how is it going?” We then proceed to have a short chat, sometimes about updates from his life, sometimes about movies or games. Then, the conversation is over, but he’ll ask again in less than a month. In a way, it amuses me, because my life rarely changes and events that others would consider “exciting” are a rarity, so even months would not be enough for an update.

You see, I’ve been pretty much self-isolating for the last years. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – December 2018

December has been a bit of a blur, but come to think of it, the whole year seemed like that. Due to our move across the states, we’d lost pretty much the first four months of it, packing, organizing, settling in, and working out problems that arose along the way. In the end, it left with me with a feeling of constantly trying to catch up with everything and never being on top of my game. Yet, looking back, I can’t say it was a bad year. (more…)


The Wordwitch: A Writer’s Life in Pictures – March

The Wordwitch

The Wordwitch (which got its name thanks to Myk Pilgrim) is a series of drawings I started back in January 2017. At first, it was one image, but soon more ideas followed and my notebook filled with more pictures.

These drawings appear weekly on Tuesdays, on social media under the #thewordwitch hashtag on Twitter and on my Facebook page, and they are also available as monthly roundup posts. (more…)


Melfka’s Birthday Week: Melfka’s Accent

Welcome to my Birthday Week during which I post random, interesting or embarrassing facts about myself. If you missed the introductory post, you can find it here. Today, I’ll be wrapping up the birthday week. I know it’s a bit of cheating, since it’s only day 5, but I hope today’s surprise will make up for it.

I was thinking about something special to put up here as a way of saying “thank you” to all my readers, and here it is: a video! If you ever wondered what Melfka’s accent sounds like or how it would be like to meet me in person, you can get the taste! I’m even slightly nervous as I would be in a real life meeting. (more…)


Melfka’s Brithday Week: Those Horror Things

Welcome to my Birthday Week during which I post random, interesting or embarrassing facts about myself. If you missed the introductory post, you can find it here. Today you’ll venture into the dangerous territory of Melfka’s personal horrors. Of course, since it’s my Birthday Week, I won’t be talking about those real and well-grounded fears probably almost every human being has. Instead, I’ll amuse you with those absurd things that shouldn’t cause a flinch reaction.



Melfka’s Birthday Week: All the Pretty Dragonflies

Welcome to my Birthday Week during which I post random, interesting or embarrassing facts about myself. If you missed the introductory post, you can find it here. Today you’re going to have a peek into my peculiar relationship with dragonflies.

There are people out there who collect “everything cat” or “everything dolphin”, and if I had an obsession like that, it would be with dragonflies. Yet, at the same time I own hardly anything with dragonflies… (more…)


Melfka’s Birthday Week: The Sweet Tooth Witch

Welcome to my Birthday Week during which I post random, interesting or embarrassing facts about myself. If you missed the yesterday’s introductory post, you can find it here. This time I’m going to cover a topic that is quite obvious: Melfka’s favorite sweets.

It’s not a secret that I like my sweets. A household is not a household without chocolate, but the list doesn’t end there. (more…)