Melfka’s Birthday Week 2018

It’s that time of the year again when Melfka turns a year older, though not necessarily wiser. (Though rumor has it she actually improved her English skills!) And like last year, to celebrate Melfka’s Birthday Week, I invite you to a bunch of posts in which I’ll share funny, not very serious, or embarrassing facts about myself. I’m not too keen to reveal my birthday date publicly, so instead I claim the whole first week of March for my birthday, following JR Bee’s idea who two years ago organized my Birthday Week on Twitter. (more…)


Watching Novels: Thoughts on Book Adaptations

Sometimes, when you look at Hollywood’s movie repertoire, it seems they only release remakes and book adaptations. Some people cringe, hoping for more original content and fresh stories, and as much as I’d love to see more originality as well, I do have a soft spot for book adaptations. There’s something enchanting in seeing the story I loved (or at least enjoyed) envisioned by someone else. It’s almost like sharing thoughts on a book and learning someone else’s perspective. (more…)


A Month in a Writer’s Life – January 2018

January meant entering the fourth year of the writing challenge, and I even though I have my routine sorted already, I couldn’t resist joining again. 365 Writing Club does miracles when it comes to accountability. This year’s theme is “The Daily Writer”, focusing back on building the habit to write every day, and even though last year I missed only 4 days, I decided I could do better. Did I manage? (more…)


The Wordwitch: A Writer’s Life in Pictures – January

The Wordwitch (which got its name thanks to Myk Pilgrim) is a series of drawings I started back in January 2017. At first, it was one image, but soon more ideas followed and my notebook filled with more pictures. As I just recently launched my Facebook Page, it seemed a good time to start sharing them.

These drawings appear weekly on Tuesdays, on social media under the #thewordwitch hashtag, and are a monthly roundup post here. I hope you’ll enjoy them. (more…)


The Wordwitch: A Writer’s Life in Pictures – December

The Wordwitch

The Wordwitch (which got its name thanks to Myk Pilgrim) is a series of drawings I started back in January 2017. At first, it was one image, but soon more ideas followed and my notebook filled with more pictures. As I just recently launched my Facebook Page, it seemed a good time to start sharing them.

These drawings appear weekly on Tuesdays, on social media under the #thewordwitch hashtag, and are a monthly roundup post here. I hope you’ll enjoy them. (more…)


Miye’s In: The Origin of a Story

In the Origin of a Story series I’ll be sharing insights of how some of my stories came to be. What inspired them, and what kind of process followed it. All of that spoiler-free, so you can still enjoy the story if you didn’t have a chance to read it yet. For the first installment, I chose Miye’s In, a fantasy short story, published back in 2013 by Fiction Vortex. You can now read it on my website. (more…)