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The Wordwitch: A Writer’s Life in Pictures – December

The Wordwitch

The Wordwitch (which got its name thanks to Myk Pilgrim) is a series of drawings I started back in January 2017. At first, it was one image, but soon more ideas followed and my notebook filled with more pictures. As I just recently launched my Facebook Page, it seemed a good time to start sharing them.

These drawings appear weekly on Tuesdays, on social media under the #thewordwitch hashtag, and are a monthly roundup post here. I hope you’ll enjoy them.

In December, I posted only 3 images, taking a break for the Christmas week – I still hope you’ll enjoy them.

Trying to Write A Query

I was trying to write a synopsis instead of query, but the principle stays the same. Writing a whole novel was a lot easier.

Do you have any tasks you hate or struggle with?

the wordwitch - trying to write a query

Tea (or Coffee) Helps Writing

I don’t need tea to start writing, but whenever I find myself stuck or distracted, I go and brew a huge cup. Somehow, sitting in front of my laptop and sipping tea puts me in the “it’s time to write” mindset, and words come much easier. I guess that, in a way, it became a part of my writing ritual.

the wordwitch - tea helps writing

Happy Holidays – Goblin Adoption

Remember, adopting a Procrastigoblin is not just for Christmas, it’s for LIFE! 

Happy Holidays everyone, no matter what and how you celebrate.

the wordwitch - happy holidays/procrastigoblin adoption

If you’d like to be up to date with this series, you can head over to my Facebook Page every Tuesday or check Twitter for #thewordwitch hashtag. You can also browse other posts from the series.

Joanna Maciejewska

Joanna Maciejewska is a fantasy and science fiction author who enjoys all things SFF: books, movies, and video games. Her short stories appeared in magazines and anthologies in Polish and in English. Her epic fantasy adventure series, starting with By the Pact, is available in ebook and paperback at all major retailers.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. saraletourneau

    HAHAHA! The Procrastigoblin is adorable! Irrisistible, even – and that’s the point of a Procrastigoblin, right? 🙂

    And I’d give “Tea Helps Writing” three thumbs up if I could. You know me and tea! 😉

    1. Melfka

      Would you like your own Procrastigoblin then? I have one or three to give away… 😉
      And yes, TEA ALL THE WAY. 😉

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